Thursday, July 29, 2004

A wonderful metaphor.

One of my composition professors, Jeffrey Mumford, has come up with the best metaphor I've ever heard regarding the possible second term of George W. Bush.  It goes like this...

Let's say you were going on vacation and needed a house sitter.  You hire this guy, let's call him 'George,' to come over and take care of your pets, plants, financial assets, and in general watch over your belongings.

But when you return home, everything is in disarray: 

-The money's all gone.
-The plants are all dead.
-Your neighbors hate you.

To top it off, George tells you that while he was sleeping, somebody burned down part of the house, so he sent your dog out after him. Unfortunately, the culprit escaped. But then, George decides to sic your dog on this random, unrelated other guy that he's had a grudge against for years, and now your dog is dead as well!

So here's the thing: if this were really about house-sitting, is there any way in hell that George would ever get asked to come back? Not on your life. Which begs the obvious question: why would anyone even entertain such a thought when it comes to our commander in chief?

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