Sunday, April 25, 2004

Your fearless leader at work.

Caveat: by "Your," I am referring to the one person every other week (or less) who actually stumbles across this thing; by "fearless," I actually mean "quite afraid of lots of things, actually;" by "leader" I mean, "well, I was a drum major once;" and by "at work," I mean, "blogging."

I am engaged in a relatively heated debate about whether or not this guy who wrote this ridiculous article and got fired was fired because he was white and addressing a race issue or rather, as I tend to believe, because he wrote a ridiculous article.

You'll have to read it to fully understand the gist of it, but it's based on the notion that black people are responsible for closing the racial gap--by having better role models. And that's it.

Which is totally interesting, because here I've thought all along that social and economic inequities between white people and black people were due to centuries of oppression and institutionalized racism. Where did I go wrong?

So anyway, it's worth taking a look at.

Incidently, these articles are worth taking a look at too:

Defining "White Privilege" by Kendall Clark

White Privilege by Robert Jensen

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh

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