Monday, April 05, 2004

Letters in the Modesto Bee, my hometown newspaper

So every Saturday, on the front of the Modesto Bee's "Life" section, they feature a "Faith and Values" segment, with some sort of cover story. Apparently, last Saturday's story was about Rosie O'Donnell and her partner. For a good insight into my community, read on:

From Lisa Burris, concerned citizen:

I cannot help but wonder if I'm alone in feeling a bit offended finding the picture of Rosie O'Donnell and her lover on the front of the Faith & Values section (March 27). What place did it have there? In turning the page, I was even more upset to find it opposite the children's page with current and historical information and other informational tidbits that I usually encourage my children to check out.
I appreciate having some choices as a parent, thank you very much, and you gave me no choice. No Modesto Bee that day.

And this gem from Sheila Jarvis:

What do two women breaking the law have to do with faith and values? And if it is perversion, as a lot of your readers feel it is, why is it next to the Mini Page for Kids?


Oh well, give 'em another twenty or thirty years, and we'll see what happens...

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