Monday, March 29, 2004


Are there media whores besides myself who are taking great sadistic pleasure in watching Richard Clarke WAIL ON BUSH'S ASS LIKE MOTHERFUCKING BRUCE LEE?!

'Cause I'm LOVING this.

Here's the play-by-play:

Clarke comes out, says (all quotations are 100% accurate): "Dubya is the biggest goddam PANSY on terrorism I've EVER FUCKING SEEN."

Condi says, "he's lying, he's lying! That's simply not true! And no, I WON'T come testify about it. That' or something."

Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill ("What Have I Been Smoking") Frist comes out and says, "Richard Clarke is a liar. Why, I have documents that contradict everything he's saying! I can't SHOW them to you because they're 'classified,' but I HAVE them, goddammit."

Clarke responds, "So declassify, BI-OTCH!!! I declassified yo mama last night, MOTHAFUCKA!!!"

Or something like that. But that's where it stands so far...

Tune in next week for the stunning rest of the story. For your source in Fair, Balanced, and Totally Objective Journalism, this has been obietom.

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